Are you getting a massage only on your vacation?

Are you getting a massage only on your vacation? Your vacation is pamper time! On each trip you want to make sure that all is perfect. You choose a comfortable hotel and have lovely dinners. You visit beautiful countries and cultures or you just relax on stunning beaches while drinking the best cocktails ever. Yes [...]


Self-Massage Techniques To De-Stress Yourself

Self-Massage Techniques To De-Stress Yourself It would be impossible to run away from stress. Just like our daily work and responsibilities, stress is a part of life. There are several ways to de-stress yourself. You can do yoga, go for a long walk, go to the gym or get a massage. There is no instrument [...]


4 reasons to get a massage during the summer months.

4 reasons to get a massage during the summer months. For many of us summer vacation means activity and change! We spend many days doing all kinds of activities like hiking, swimming, working in the garden, travelling and partying. We are up on our feet all day and increase our activities when temperatures rise. Unfortunately, [...]


The importance of communication during a massage session

The importance of communication during a massage session Whether it is your first massage or your 100th, one of the most important things you as a client can do to make your session the best and most effective it can be, is to have open communication with your massage therapist. A good massage therapist can [...]


Can Massage Help Your Back Problem?

Can Massage Help Your Back Problem? For most of us, the answer is probably 'YES', since massage is non-invasive and considered very low risk for most people. Massage therapy is more and more accepted as a credible treatment for many types of back pain and as an alternative to other medical treatments. Research shows that [...]


Latest article Blue Tree Massage in ONBOARD Magazine Summer 2018: Self massage

Find our latest article in ONBOARD, magazine for professional yachting in the Mediterranean. In this Summer issue, discover how to do a self massage just by using your hands and some massage oil.


3 acupressure points to fight jet lag.

3 acupressure points to fight jet lag. Here are 3 easy acupressure points which can bring instant relief and can be easily performed during or after your flight. Locate the pressure point, and use a gentle massaging pressure to reduce jetlag and arrive at your destination refreshed and energized. You can repeat these acupressure points [...]

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