How often should you have a massage in Le Rouret?

How often should you have a massage in Le Rouret? Well it depends on your goals and needs. If you experience chronic stress from your personal life or your work, one relaxation massage per week should be good for your health. If this stress is strong but just occasional and related to a situation that [...]


Which your best massage is in the Nice area?

Which your best massage is in the Nice area? As a regular customer of massage or an occasional one, you’ll know which is the best massage for you. Is it a relaxation massage, or a more energetic massage? A sports massage, or our deep tissue massage? A Chinese base massage like foot reflexology or acupressure? [...]


Why our clients think our massages are the best in the French Riviera?

Why our clients think our massages are the best in the French Riviera? When we talk with our clients, most of them tell us than our massages are the best they’ve ever received. It’s very good feedback, and it keeps us motivated to offer the best of us for our clients. If we analyse the [...]


Combine foot reflexology with our oil massages in Antibes

Combine foot reflexology with our oil massages in Antibes Our credo is to perform the best massage to our clients after listening to their needs or to offer a real personalized massage. Our knowledge of different massage techniques allows us to integrate different styles of massage during a session. For example, if you ask for [...]


Who is your best massage therapist in the Cannes area?

Who is your best massage therapist in the Cannes area? As a regular customer of massage or an occasional one, you can easily find out who your best massage therapist is. Our clients in Cannes area think Blue Tree Massage is the best. Do you agree? Send us your review! Here are some recent very [...]


Let’s try couples massages in Opio!

Let’s try couples massages in Opio! You’re on vacation. Maybe it’s the occasion you spend more time with your spouse than during the rest of the year, without a busy schedule of work or time with the kids. So take advantage of those vacations to reconnect together and share a moment. Couples massages are one [...]


Remodeling massage for your wedding day in Mougins.

Remodeling massage for your wedding day in Mougins. You’re getting married soon! You’re excited as well as stressed by the big day. It will be the best day of the year and of your life. Maybe one of your concerns is how to fit into your wedding dress? Remodeling massage can be a solution to [...]


Blue Tree Massage services in the French Riviera

Blue Tree Massage services in the French Riviera We propose personalised massages to suit your particular needs. Do you have muscle tightness, back, neck or shoulder pain, cellulite, swollen legs, poor lymphatic system, facial aging? We are here for you. Our deep tissue massage, sport massage, anti-cellulite massage, lymphatic drainage, anti-aging face massage, will all [...]


Do it yourself massage: The tennis ball and foam roller self-massage for the best performance in your sport practice on the French Riviera!

Do it yourself massage: The tennis ball and foam roller self-massage for the best performance in your sport practice on the French Riviera! Are you practicing a regular sport activity or do you do your sport only during your vacation? For both of these, warming up and stretching before exercising is highly recommended to improve [...]

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