How to maintain good health in winter season in Cap d’Antibes

How to maintain good health in winter season in Cap d’Antibes Here are some tips for staying active and feeling good—mentally, physically, and spiritually—during winter and beyond: GET ENERGY FROM SEASONAL VEGETABLES AND FRUITS, AND DRINK A LOT OF LIQUIDS like water, and hot liquids like soups and teas. Eating a variety of seasonal fruits [...]


The Benefits of a Winter Massage in Vence

The Benefits of a Winter Massage in Vence Winter can bring with it many aches and pains. This is often because cold temperature changes our blood flow, constricts blood vessels, and dries out the skin. If you have been feeling under the weather and need a mid-winter boost, then booking a massage will give you [...]


Acupressure Massages to treat winter diseases in Vence

Acupressure Massages to treat winter diseases in Vence With winter, some diseases can come back. If you’re experiencing dry and itchy throat, irritable eyes or running nose, these are some acupressure points you can massage yourself to help you relieve those discomforts! Eye Discomfort You can massage 3 acupressure points to reduce this discomfort. With [...]


Acupressure for winter with one point in St Jean Cap ferrat

Acupressure for winter with one point in St Jean Cap ferrat In winter the energy draws in: the pores close due to the cold; the decrease in sunlight makes us in need of rest and more sleep. This is the time to charge up for the next cycle. Which acupressure points can help you with [...]


Essential oils blends for the winter season in Antibes

Essential oils blends for the winter season in Antibes For a perfect night: Fill your diffuser with water. For every 30 ml of water, add 10 drops of frankincense essential oil, 5 drops of myrrh essential oil, and 5 drops of orange essential oil. For a Christmas atmosphere: Fill your diffuser with water. For every [...]


How to warm my cold feet in Saint Jeannet?

How to warm my cold feet in Saint Jeannet? Some people tend to have colder feet naturally, without an underlying disease. When your feet naturally tend to get cold, you may just need to take extra precautions in cold weather to protect them. But if your cold feet are constantly bothersome, there are more things [...]


Foot Stretches You Should Do Every Day in Grasse

Foot Stretches You Should Do Every Day in Grasse Your feet put in a lot of hard work throughout the day. The feet endure the weight of the body, and many people experience aches and pains in their feet as a result of standing or walking for long periods of time. You can have different [...]


Self-massage your feet with a blend of rejuvenating essential oils in Opio

Self-massage your feet with a blend of rejuvenating essential oils in Opio While foot reflexology should be done by a specialist, you can nevertheless give yourself a very efficient foot massage. In this case, it will not be a matter of treating certain problems, but in giving yourself a rejuvenating and relaxing foot treatment. Prepare [...]


Fight winter blues and winter problems with foot reflexology in Vence

Fight winter blues and winter problems with foot reflexology in Vence Winter is here and we can start to feel the effects of the drop in temperature: we are feeling sluggish, we want to eat more, and we just want to cuddle up on the couch with a blanket and a cup of hot tea [...]


The impact of breath to destress in Mougins

The impact of breath to destress in Mougins Breath is the movement of air into and out of the lungs. The primary function of breath is to give oxygen to the organs and tissues. Breath requires the movement of two cavities of the body: thoracic and abdominal. Research into the physiological effects of deep breathing [...]

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