Combine a visit to St Paul de Vence with a relaxing, energising or Deep tissue massage.
Combine a visit to St Paul de Vence with a relaxing, energising or Deep tissue massage. When discovering St Paul de Vence, you will understand right away why it is one of the most visited [...]
An exclusive massage on your yacht in Monaco, Antibes or Cannes.
An exclusive massage on your yacht in Monaco, Antibes or Cannes. Are you a yacht owner or crewmember and are you searching for an exclusive and professional massage service for yourself or your guests on [...]
Exquisite dining in Mougins before or after a Blue Tree massage.
Exquisite dining in Mougins before or after a Blue Tree massage. The village of Mougins lies 10 km’s inland from the world famous city of Cannes. This charming mediaeval town is quite unknown by the [...]
Relieve neck, shoulder and back pain with a Deep Tissue massage from Blue Tree Massage on the Côte d’Azur
Relieve neck, shoulder and back pain with a Deep Tissue massage from Blue Tree Massage on the Côte d’Azur Most of us have busy and stressful lives, often with not enough daily exercise and movement. [...]
Book a massage during the Cannes film festival
Book a massage during the Cannes film festival The beautiful city of Cannes on the Cote d’Azur is put in the spotlight once a year. During the month of May, the Cannes film festival attracts [...]
Do it yourself massage : The tennis ball and foam roller self-massage for best performance in your sport practice on the French Riviera!
Do it yourself massage : The tennis ball and foam roller self-massage for best performance in your sport practice on the French Riviera! Are you practicing a regular sport activity? You certainly aim for higher [...]